Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shepherd's Conference and Arturo Azurdia III

In a couple of weeks there will be several Midlanders heading to California to attend the Shepherd’s Conference held at John McArthur’s church. As I am preparing to go I am reviewing some notes form last year and thought I would post some of the notes here. One of the breakout sessions I attended on expository preaching, was led by Rick Holland. The title of the session was “Preaching the Bible the Way God Wrote It”. The following are bullet points from this session.
  • It honors the doctrines of bibliology: namely, inspiration, inerrancy, infallibility, perspicuity, and authorial intent.
  • It helps us know and follow the mind of God.
  • It teaches people how to study the Bible properly.
  • It demonstrates the profitability of all Scripture.
  • It sets the agenda for the pulpit.
  • It provides context and orientation for any given preaching unit.
  • It reveals the nuances and contours of the text.
  • It creates familiarity with the books of the Bible.
  • It highlights the “foolishness of God” (1 Cor 1:18–31).
  • It promotes the work of the Spirit of God in the lives of our people through His use of the Word of God.
  • It presents the most comprehensive understanding of God.

These points are fleshed out a bit more here.

Also, I was introduced to a preacher this last week that I had not heard before. A series of his sermons was offered by The preachers name is Arturo Azurdia. A website featuring many of his sermons can be found here. He practices the above in his preaching.


Morris Brooks said...


He has an excellent book on preaching titled:

Spirit Empowered Preaching


reformedlawless said...

An email response follows:

Wow, powerful. Sometimes I think that God gave me the ability of only seeing “black and white” for a reason. I have always had a hard time seeing gray. Seeing only black and white in this world has allowed me to tell people the truth per God’s Word. So, for me answering this man would be really easy. This is not one size fits all world; only Jesus as our Savior that fits the one size which God has given to us. I feel so sorry for people who refuse to listen, and especially when God is calling them. I sit in airports and watch people and feel pain (at times). Sometimes I feel no pain; I don’t know why.

I truly believe in the narrow gate! There are times that I feel I am not on the right path, but there are lots of situations where God speaks to me to affirm that I am on the right path.

This man in the clip probably happens more than what we realize. When God speaks, people either listen and respond or get very angry.

Tammy C.